Our Guide

A very good morning to you - I greet you in Jesus’s name! It is Sunday morning, 24th July 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“For this is God,
Our God forever and ever;
He will be our guide
Even to death.”

Psalm 48:14

Then we go to Isaiah:

“The Lord will guide you continually,…”

Isaiah 58:11

Isn’t that beautiful, what a wonderful promise... So what must we do? Well, first of all, we must follow - You always follow a guide. You do not walk ahead of someone who is trying to show you the way. Secondly, we must obey the guide.... Do what He tells you to do. And thirdly, we must listen to what the guide tells us. If we do not, we will cause ourselves unnecessary pain and hardship. You know, like the little boy who is always determined to run ahead of his mom and dad and show his dad that he knows the way until he gets caught up in the thorn bushes and he can’t get out and he cries and shouts for help. How many of us have done that in our lives?

Jesus is our Ultimate guide. You see, He knows the way home because He has been this way before. He says:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

John 14:6

Remember, the shortcut is not always the quickest way home. How do we know that? This is not the time for us to go down a cul-de-sac. What is a cul-de-sac - It is a one-way street. When you get to the end, what do you do? You have to turn around and go back and start again. We cannot do that because we don’t have much time left.

You know, often I watch these horse trainers that come out from America. These are mainly senior men, they are men who understand how to train horses, and they are the ultimate horse-whisperers. I go with my son and we go and watch how these men operate. Now, they charge money because you have to learn the way from them. One day I saw a young man, he had paid his money - he had paid quite a lot of money and he spent his half-hour telling the horse trainer what he could do. The horse trainer, being a seasoned old man, sat on the stool and he listened to him for half an hour, then took his money. That youngster still didn’t know anything about training the horse!

Let's start to listen today. Let's start to obey and let's start to follow... I will tell you what, you will find that life will be a lot sweeter and we will get to our destination a lot quicker.

Have a wonderful Sunday, and Jesus bless you!

Angus Buchan