Face Your Mountain

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 3rd of August, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We go to the New Testament, to the Book of Romans 5:3-4: 

"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope." 

Are you facing a mountain this morning, my dear friend? Yes, we all face them from time to time, and from a distance, that mountain looks so massive that you will never get over it, but we need to keep moving slowly but surely towards our mountain. Don't run away from it, and you will be surprised when you reach the foot of the mountain. You will slowly but surely start putting one foot in front of the other and climb your mountain, and before you know where you are, you will be right on the top and right over the dangerous part.

You know, on our farm we have got two types of trees. In the valley, we have got the poplar tree. It is very soft, it grows quickly because it grows in the wetlands, and then we have the thorn tree. It grows very slowly, but it is very tough and hard. One grows fast, and the other grows slowly. We are in the middle of winter here in South Africa. This morning it was 1 degree; it was freezing. When you want to make a fire and you burn the poplar tree, it burns very quickly and gives very little warmth. But the other tree, the thorn tree, burns slowly and for a long time, giving off tremendous heat.

You see, tribulation and hardship teach us to be strong, sturdy, and hard going. We climb the mountain slowly but surely, and we get to the top. Those who want the Lord to use them to comfort others must be prepared to go through tribulation, a time of testing. It's not pleasant at that time, but we need to do it if we are going to bring warmth to those who are cold and fearful.

Today, face your mountain.  
Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan