
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 28th of November, 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.” 
John 16:7

“Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.“
1 Corinthians 12:27-28

The Bible tells us clearly that the moon is the faithful witness in the sky. You see the moon merely reflects the sun. We are to do the same. We are to reflect our precious Lord Jesus. Maybe there is somebody this morning who feels utterly useless, worthless, of no real consequence to anyone, because we are not apostles, we are not prophets, we are not evangelists, we are not pastors and we are not teachers. What use am I in God’s kingdom? Well, the Lord is reminding us this morning that one of the ministries in the Kingdom of God is the ministry of helps, behind-the-scenes workers.

People talk a lot about the great evangelist, Charles Finney. Well, what people don’t realise is that there was a man called Father Nash, who was helping him. He would go into a town and check into a hotel and he would pray for a week before the great revivalist came to town and the fire of God fell down. No one knew about him. Just before Charles Finney came to town, this man would check out of his hotel room and go ahead to the next one. A faithful worker - a helps ministry. 

Another man by the name of Fletcher was one of John Wesley’s, the great revivalist’s right-hand men. Fletcher used to pray so much that they say the very floorboards by his bed had grooves in them from the many hours he spent in prayer, and of course, everyone knows who John Wesley is. What about John the Baptist? He says in John 3:30: 

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

Today, go out and help people. That is a ministry that will be rewarded only in Heaven one day.

Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan