He Came to Save...
‘“For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” Luke 9:56
You see folks, Jesus is not here to condemn people. He is here to save us - He has come to save the lost. Now the Sons of Thunder, an appropriate name for James and John, got it the wrong way around. They got very angry, you see, because they had come to a village and wanted to prepare a place for the Master to sleep that night and they were chased out of the village.
They were so angry, they said, “Lord, let's just bring down fire from Heaven.” Have you ever felt like that? You will find that in Luke 9:54:
“Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?”
And then the Lord rebuked them and said, “No”, He said, “I came to save them.” You and I need to be patient - We need to remember from whence we came.
I often sit and I smile and I wonder what people must have thought when Jill and I and our children, walked into that little church, forty-odd years ago for the first time on that Sunday morning. They must have looked around and said, “Look what the cat brought in!” But the Lord never ever writes off people. He came to save us. Never write off anybody, always keep the door wide open. Just like the prodigal son’s father, that farmer... remember? His son wanted his inheritance. He went off and he wasted it but the door was always open. And you know, that father never compromised, no, no. He didn’t try and make a deal. He let his son go but he always kept the door open... And what happened? Eventually, his son came back home and became a faithful son.
I want to say to you today that maybe there is somebody who is going to come to their senses today and come back home and say, “Listen, mom, dad - I am sorry. I have made a terrible mistake. Please give me another chance.” Jesus came to offer us the Gospel, freely, not by threat or through fear. In Matthew 11:28 He says:
“Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”
Today, ask the Lord to show you someone who needs help. Go to them by faith and save them in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Have a wonderful day and remember, if Christ is for you, there is no man will ever stand against you!
God bless you and goodbye.