
“God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”
1 Peter 5:5

And you will find that exact scripture again in James 4:6. I think the Lord is trying to impress something upon us this morning - Always remember, pride always comes before a fall. Our Lord Jesus Christ was the most humble man who has ever walked on the face of this earth. We must remember - to be humble does not mean to be weak, not at all. A beautiful definition of the word humble is controlled strength... That is what a humble man is.

Moses was not a weak man, by any standards and yet the Bible tells us clearly in Numbers 12:3 (in The Old Testament) that he was the most humble of any man on the face of the earth in those days. There was nothing soft about a man who could lead an entire nation through the desert for forty years. And who could stretch out his rod, by faith, and see an ocean separated so that his people could walk through it.

As the adage goes: “The softest part of him was his teeth!”

We need to be more gentle in these stressful times that we are living. We need to prefer one another, we need to love one another. The lowliest Christian is the loveliest Christian. Augustine said it was pride that changed angels into devils. It is humility that makes men as angels.

I just want to say to the young men today, treat those young girls that you take out, with great respect and gentleness and God will honour you. It makes them feel like beautiful maidens... the way God created them to be. I want to say to a young man: Don’t be afraid to stand up and give an old lady your seat, son. That is not being a sissy, that is being a humble man of God. Walk that old person across the street. Take time out to speak to a lonely old person sitting on a bench. These are the factors that make you a humble man or woman of God. It is not so much what we say but who we are that impacts people.

Have a wonderful day today as you walk in the power of God and the humility of Jesus!
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan