Plough Straight

One of my favourite scriptures in the Bible is Luke 9:62:

“But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”

There is no turning back for us. Why do we want to go back to Egypt - To eat melons and cucumbers, to have a place to bury our dead? That is what the people of Israel wanted to do when it got tough in the desert. They wanted Moses to take them back to the old places. We cannot possibly plough a straight line if we keep on looking back.

You know, the Bible tells us in John 8:36:

“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

Why do you want to go back to Egypt?
We need to press forward... We really need to keep our eyes fixed on heaven, eternity.

Years ago, I heard a story of a muscovy duck, a big fat plump muscovy duck with small little wings. He had never flown in all his life, running up and down that chicken run in all the mud, flapping his little wings... as much food as he wanted to eat. He looked up to the sky and he heard the cry of a flock of spur-winged geese flying in that V-formation. They weren’t fat, no. They were actually quite lean and thin. They had a few holes in their wings by some farmer’s shotgun but they were free, free indeed. We really need to keep our focus on the goal - the destination!

A couple of days ago, I was flown to the Northern Cape and folks, I want to tell you, I saw something I will never forget as long as I live. No, there weren’t hundreds of thousands of people there but there were farmers and businessmen, there were boys and girls. There were old people, there were policemen, there were all kinds of people with resilience in their hearts who are destined to finish the race. I have never been so moved in my life. They flew me and some faithful men from the farm, in an aeroplane, to the Northern Cape and then in a helicopter right into the middle of the bush where it has been burnt. There is nothing left, only wind and dust.

I tell you what, the people were sitting underneath thorn trees trying to keep out of the sun, this was at 12 o’clock - midday. They had been waiting from 9 in the morning. When I started preaching, at times I couldn’t see them for that red dust that was getting blown, the whirlwinds of dust and heat and wind. They never moved, they sat there. I want to tell you I saw young children, it made me cry, come running up to hug me. They were determined that they were going to pray for rain and we are believing that the rain is on its way.

I saw a 92-year-old man get out of a wheelchair, that’s right, and walk with the assistance of two young men to the altar to recommit his life to Christ. I saw something that I will never forget as long as I live - These people are ploughing in a straight line. They are not going back to Egypt, no, no, no! They are waiting for the rain to come and it will come because our Rainmaker is faithful and true. His Name is Jesus!

Today, keep your focus on the goal and do not look behind you.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan