Properly Prepared

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it.”
Luke 14:28

We need to count the cost - Preparation is vital in these times that we are living. There is no room in the Kingdom of God for people who are just winging it... Just going for it, just taking a chance.

You know, I just watched a documentary yesterday about three men. One was Scott of the Antarctic, the other Ernest Shackleton and the other one was Roald Amundsen a Norwegian. You know, Scott was a passionate man. He had a desire to be the first one to reach the South Pole, the Antarctic. The most unforgiving, treacherous continent on earth, the coldest place in the world. But you see, he did not prepare correctly... he got to the South Pole but at tremendous cost. On his way back he lost all his men, every single one of them died. They perished.

Shackleton was an extremely brave man. He got to within 100 kilometres of the South Pole but he had to turn back because he had not made sufficient preparation. He went back defeated because he did not prepare correctly. But that Norwegian, Roald Amundsen he was prepared. He went and he lived with the Eskimos first of all, the Inuit people and he learned their ways. He put on the correct dress, he took a very small group of men with him. These men were experts in their field, one was the Scandinavian skiing champion, another was an expert in working with dogs. They used huskies. They didn’t pull those sledges physically like the other men.

On his way to the South Pole Amundsen put deposits of supplies for the way back, that’s right - He got to the South Pole with hardly any effort and he got all his men right back. He was the first man in the world to conquer the South Pole. Folks, that wasn’t just luck. How can you define luck anyway, how can you define that word? That wasn’t just a lucky chance, no, no! He prepared himself.

You and I need to prepare ourselves better. Whether you are going to get married, going into business or whether you want to be a professional sportsman, you need to prepare yourself. And most of all, we need to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to tell you, He is not coming soon... He is on His way!

We need to be prepared and we need to be ready for His coming. Have a wonderful Saturday!
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan