Ordinary People

“Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.”
Luke 10:2

The Lord Jesus is looking for workers, that is right! He is looking for a labour force to do the greatest work that will ever have been done in the history of the world. We are talking about the greatest revival that will come amongst God’s people in these last days.

I looked up the Oxford Dictionary... A labourer is a person doing unskilled manual work. That is right, we have got to roll up our sleeves and we have got to get to work. He is not talking about theologians, Jesus is not talking about doctors of divinity or even professors of the faith. No, he is talking about ordinary workers, people like you and me. This worldwide revival that is coming, is going to happen through ordinary people just like you and me. Shopkeepers, housewives, school children, coal miners, farmers, businessmen, doctors, nurses, policemen, artisans, etc.

I remember as a new Christian, my minister said to me one day, he said: “You know, Angus, the day I put on my dog collar, I lost 95% of my witness with the people in the world.” You see, they see you coming from a long way off and they change completely - Don’t lose your identity.

Just last week, a group of young farmers and businessmen came to see me. They have a burning desire to see their community changed and saved and they said, “What can we do?”
I said, “Don’t lose your identity.” If you are a farmer then live and act like a farmer and tell people about Jesus in your own way. If you are a businessman, do exactly the same. Why do you want to be different? The Lord is calling for labourers, unskilled, manual workers.

You know, William Booth started the biggest army in the history of the world. At one stage, there were more members of the Salvation Army than any other secular army on earth and do you know what he said? He said: “My best soldiers are women.” I remember hearing Yonggi Cho, who had the biggest church in the world, something like a million members, he said: “The people in the West are losing out because they are not using their women as labourers for the Gospel. The women pray longer and they can work very hard and they love Jesus."

I want to say to you today, it doesn’t matter what you are, you go out there and you just tell people about the soon-coming king. That is all they want to hear about. Lay your hands on the sick and they will be healed.

This is the time of ordinary people. Have a wonderful Sunday as you go out and witness for Christ.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan