Vacant of Self

Matthew 5:3, Jesus says:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

That great preacher, F.B. Meyer, says: “To be vacant of self” - that’s right, to be emptied of self-reliance. We need to be totally dependent on Jesus today to realise and to be brutally honest with ourselves that we can do absolutely nothing without God. We cannot even help others. How can the blind lead the blind - It’s impossible.

When we die to self we empty ourselves, we become vacant, then God can use us to assist others. You can’t help a drowning man if you don’t know how to swim. You know, our foundation verse here at Shalom is 2 Corinthians 9:8:

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”

For every good work... Having more than we need so that we can bless others.

When Jill and I first got saved, I wanted to sell the farm - not sell it but give it away. And I wanted to go to Bible College and I wanted to become a pastor. God said to me clearly in my heart: “Stay on the farm and make a place for others, which is what we are doing.

William Duma, a Zulu herdsman, up in the mountains in Zululand, met Jesus in a special way and he emptied himself completely. He would do nothing without God’s permission. One day he was invited to go to Israel, he and a group of other ministers. All of them jumped at the opportunity and said, “Thank you very much, we are willing to go.” Not William Duma! He said, “Can I let you know tomorrow? I need to ask permission from my Lord today.”

We need to empty ourselves. We need to become vacant inside so that God can fill us with His goodness so that we can be a blessing to others. Have a wonderful day today as you look to Jesus to be a blessing to others.


Angus Buchan