Stay Salty

Luke 14:34, Jesus says:

“Salt is good; but if the salt has lost its flavour, how shall it be seasoned?”

Don’t lose your flavour! Wherever Jesus went, He caused either a riot or a revival but He was never in-between. You and I must remain salty. People don’t have to like us but they must respect us - and they will if we remain salty. Even Jesus said in Revelation 3:16:

“Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”

Strong words, spoken by the Master. Jesus put a fire back into Peter when he had lost all hope and had gone back fishing. He can do the same for us today. Father God desires to put new salt back into our very souls today... Giving us something to live for, to get up in the morning for and to die for - if necessary. He wants us to live, not merely exist. He wants us to realize our dreams, He wants us to complete that course. We must be salty.

Let’s make a difference in this tired and flavourless world we live in today. You know, being of Scottish roots, our national dish in Scotland is porridge... And I want to say something to you, I mean this from the bottom of my heart - If you ever invite me into your home and offer me a nice plate of porridge but don’t put any salt in it, I will never come back to your house again. Don’t offer me a cup of tea (by the way, I love tea) that is lukewarm because I won’t drink it. The tea needs to be red-hot and that porridge must be salty.

Have a lovely day today as you make a difference in somebody’s life.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan