Ancient Paths

“Now the Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the former ways of his father David; he did not seek the Baals”
2 Chronicles 17:3

And then we go to Jeremiah 6:16:

“Thus says the Lord:
“Stand in the ways and see,
And ask for the old paths, where the good way is,
And walk in it;
Then you will find rest for your souls.”

There is no time left for us to reinvent the wheel. You know the wisest man who ever lived was Solomon and he said in, Ecclesiastes 1:9:

“There is nothing new under the sun.”

Spoken by the wisest man who ever lived. So many older folks are willing to share with young people all their priceless experiences in life. All we need to do, young people, is to simply ask them but so often pride gets in the way, doesn’t it? Jesus Himself said, in Matthew 7:7:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

I remember when I was a mere 19 years old - I was working on a farm in bonny Scotland, right up in the northeast where it rains just about every day and it is always muddy. I was working on a very steep hill farm and there was an old man, an old stockman and he said to me, “Laddy, will you take the Land Rover with some animal feed up into the mountains and feed them?” And just before I left, he said to me: “Can I just show you a couple of things on the vehicle just unless you get stuck up in the mud, in the mountains?” And of course, typical youngster, I said: “No Sir. I have got a driver’s license. I know how to drive a vehicle.” He said, “Well, off you go.”

Off I went, right up to the top of the mountain, and what happened? I got stuck! Well, about 3 hours later when I had walked down the mountain, I came back to the old gentleman and said, “I am stuck up in the mountain.” He never said a word. He got into the other Land Rover, lit his pipe, and slowly went up the mountain. He got to the vehicle, got in, started up the engine, and then he bent down and he turned something just underneath the seat. I said, “What is that Sir?” He said, “That is the four-wheel drive.” He put it into first gear, drove it out, got out of the vehicle with the engine still running, never said a word to me, got into his vehicle, and drove back down the mountain. I have never forgotten that experience.

Don’t forget to walk in the ancient paths. The Lord says they are proven - They have been walked before. Don’t try and do something just because you want to show somebody what you can do.

God bless you and have a lovely day.

Angus Buchan