
“The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness.” 
Luke 11:34

Remember, the eye is the window of the heart, so we need to ask ourselves a question today - What are we looking at? We need to discipline ourselves severely. There are so many people at the moment that are suffering from depression, fear and anxiety.

What are we watching? 
When it comes to things like TV, social media, cellphones... remember, the quickest way to poison our souls is through what we watch. I heard such a sad story just yesterday: A lovely young thirteen-year-old girl, just coming into bloom, committed suicide.  She took her life. You see, she got involved in a toxic social media group.

Be very careful moms and dads, to monitor what your children are watching on their cellphones. You know it is just like eating healthy food and keeping good strong friendships. We need to look at godly wholesome programmes on our devices and on television. Some people say, “No, it is okay to watch negative, ungodly material because that is how you learn about what is safe and what is dangerous - I disagree completely. You know, when they teach people to decipher between counterfeit and real money, they never let them look at the counterfeits, only at the real authentic notes.

Now, I looked up the Oxford Dictionary to find out the true meaning of counterfeit, this is what it says: "Made in exact imitation of something valuable with the intention to deceive or to defraud." And that is what the devil is doing. Now, when these people are looking at these notes, these banknotes, every now and again they will slip in an artificial note and straight away it is easily recognised.

Today, keep your eyes on Jesus.
He is the One who will bring you joy and hope and abundant life.
John 10:10

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan