Home In God

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Monday morning, the 11th of September, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in the Book of Colossians 1:27: 

"Christ in you, the hope of glory." 

Who are you trusting this morning? Who am I putting my trust in? Is there anything in this earth that we can really trust? Not really. You can build yourself a castle but it won't take any fear out of your heart if you have a fear of the unknown. You can go to the highest mountain and think, "I will find peace there." You won't find it there if God is not in your heart. You can go into the most beautiful valley, but you won't find Him there either. You can get on a ship and go across the ocean. You won't find Him there because He is in your heart. 

I have read a beautiful poem I want to share with you. The author is unknown, obviously a very humble person, but what a beautiful poem. Please listen to this with me. It starts like this:

My home is God Himself; Christ brought me there,
I placed myself within His mighty arms,
He took me up and safe from all alarms
He bore me where no foot but His hath trod,
Within the holiest at home with God.

And had me dwell in Him rejoicing there.
O holy place! O home divinely fair!
And we, God's little ones, abiding there.
My home is God Himself; it was not so, 
A long, long road I travelled night and day,
And sought to find within myself some way.

Nothing I did or felt could bring me near
Self effort failed, and I was filled with fear,
And then I found Christ was the only way
That I must come to Him and in Him stay.
And God had told me so.

And now, my Home is God and sheltered there,
God meets the trials of my earthly life,
God compasses me round from the storm and strife,
God takes the burden of my daily care.
O wondrous place! O home divinely fair!
And I, God's little one, safe hidden there.

Lord, as I dwell in You and You in me,
So make me dead to everything but Thee;
That as I rest within my home most fair,
My soul may evermore and only see, 
My God in everything and everywhere. 
My Home is God.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan