Enjoy God
It is Monday morning, 11th of April, the year 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
Can you hear the rain on the tin roof? That is the music we are going to be hearing in Heaven!
"... the joy of the Lord is your strength"
Nehemiah 8:10
And then we go straight to John 15:11, Jesus says:
“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full...”
Enjoy time spent with the Master because that’s where our strength lies. Remember, you cannot earn your way to Heaven. We are going to Heaven through God’s grace alone. What is grace? It is undeserved, loving-kindness, unmerited favour. Ephesians 2:8 says:
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.”
We really need to enjoy our time with the Lord. Enjoy His music, that’s right... Some love the old hymns, some love Country & Western music, others love modern Gospel music. I love all Christian music. Enjoy the food God has given us. Some people just eat vegetables, some people just love eating meat - I enjoy eating food. And of course, all children love eating ice cream.
Folks, we have got to enjoy the time God has given us on this earth. Enjoy exercising, some people love running, others swimming. Some love riding their mountain bikes, as I do, others sailing. We have got to enjoy our time with the Lord because that is where our strength lies. What hobbies have you got? Some people love photography, others carpentry, and some love riding horses. I love riding Snowy as often as I can but most of all, enjoy spending time with the Lord Jesus Christ.
You say, “But I battle to keep awake when I am praying.” Well, start walking when you pray and I mean that. Some of you are saying, “I struggle to read the Bible and concentrate.” Well, get a translation that you can understand. Some say, “Well, I just can’t find the time.” You need to discipline yourself and have a fixed time each day to spend alone, alone in His presence. Without a doubt, I want to say to you, my dear friend, that the most favourite time of the day for me is spending time and enjoying God.
Have a wonderful day.
Jesus bless you and goodbye.