His Riches

A very good morning to you! It is Wednesday morning, 27th of April, 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

If we go to the word of God in Philippians 4 and just one verse, verse 19:

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

What a promise! You know, if you get a deposit made by the bank into your cellphone account or on your computer for a certain amount of money, from somebody, it is usually dated. It can be drawn or spent on that day, you can bank on it... Excuse the pun! The national bank is your guarantee. You can’t see it but you have to believe it. We need fresh faith every single morning to believe God’s promises. Like a young businessman who believes that he can make a huge investment work... He persuades the bank to lend him the money and then the test comes to see the dream - the vision materialize! That takes raw, undiluted God-given faith.

In 2008, we believed God. We believed that God gave us a vision to stage a Mighty Men Conference on the farm and to feed 50,000 men, for an entire weekend, for free. The bank did not guarantee that meeting but God did! I remember we slaughtered over 40 oxen for just one meal.

We cut 200 litre steel drums in half and used them as pots for cooking. We built big fires underneath them and then cooked the meals for the men. They made their own breakfast but we provided the rest of the meals. It started on Friday night and finished on Sunday morning. Who paid? The Bank of Heaven paid!

Today, find out what God wants. Get confirmation from Jesus and then with childlike faith, go and do it. God will not disappoint you, He has never ever disappointed me once in my life. May the Lord bless you and have a very special day.


Angus Buchan