Threefold Cord

A very good morning to you! It is the 30th of April, Saturday morning, 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

If we go straight to Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament and just one verse:

“Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Then we go straight to John 17:21, Jesus says:

“That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.”

Strength in unity - there are no Lone Rangers in the Kingdom of God, no one man shows. Jesus desires that we get on together, even as He and His Father in Heaven work together. We need to stop fighting each other and to start helping each other. God never designed us to be loners, He put us together in families. A three-fold cord is not easily broken, the Bible says - Jesus is in the middle of your friendship, your relationship and in the middle of your marriage.

Many, many years ago I went to Australia. I was working on a ranch as a cowboy and I had to find accommodation in the local town, a village. Now, I had money, I could have easily found the hotel and booked in to stay there but no, I found a family. One of the poorest families in town - a dad, mom and three small children. He was a road-worker, she was a waitress. They were wonderful people but very poor and they needed the extra income, so they took me on as their border. Why didn’t I stay in the hotel where I could have had my own room? I could have had three good meals everyday, I had the money. Why did I go and stay with this family... probably one of the poorest families in the village. I will tell you why - Because I was homesick, I was lonely and because I needed a friend.

I remember they put me in the middle bunk. The one little boy slept at the bottom, and the other one slept at the top, I had to slide in the middle but you know something? We had a wonderful time together. They took me everywhere they went, it was amazing!

Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than any brother (Proverbs 18:24). We need to spend time together this weekend. We need to say sorry if we have offended each other. We need to really put family, loved ones and friendship right at the top of our list. We need to put Jesus at the very top because He will never leave us and He will never forsake us.

Have a wonderful weekend this weekend as you spend time together.
Jesus bless you! Goodbye.

Angus Buchan