A Sounding Board
I greet you in Jesus' precious name, it is Sunday morning the 16th of April 2023 and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today. We start off in the book of Proverbs 11:14:
"Where there is no council the people fall but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety."
You and I need sounding boards, we need somebody that we can bounce something off. We were never created, by God, to be 'Lone Rangers' - no man is an island. We need each other, especially in these difficult times in which we are living. I looked up in the Oxford dictionary to define the word sounding board and this is what it says: "A sounding board is a person that you talk to, in order to test out new ideas." At Shalom Ministries we have a board of trustees, we have four godly men who are mature and experienced. They give me good advice and good counsel but they do not dominate me, and they do not get paid for what they doing... They do it because they love Jesus Christ and they love me. They are definitely not 'yes-men', they can be quite difficult but their council is always word-based. We go back to what the Bible says, that is how we make our decisions and that makes me feel very secure, and protected and gives me the authority to step out for the Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to say to you today that a successful sports team, whether it be rugby, football, hockey or tennis, is not made up of individual stars. It's made up of average players that work together, that respect one another and that support one another - of course, our absolute and complete advisor is the Lord, Holy Spirit... Jesus said in John 16:7:
"It is advantageous for you that I leave because when I leave I will send Him to you..."
At the end of the day, the decisions are made in the quiet time room in the presence of almighty God, through the power of His Holy Spirit. Today if you don't have a counsellor if you don't have a sounding board you need to ask God to show you one because that is where your security is and quality decisions are made.
Have a wonderful Sunday, Jesus bless you and goodbye.