Do You Believe?
I greet you in Jesus' precious name. It is Monday morning the 17th of April 2023 and this is your friend Angus Buchan I thought for today. Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, it is the evidence of things not yet seen"
Then we go to Hebrews Chapter 11:6:
"But without faith, it is impossible to please Him for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
You know Saint Augustine said faith is to believe what you cannot see but the reward of that faith is to see what you believe... That is not based on feelings, it's not based on impressions or if it will work or if it won't work, no. Faith depends on whether you and I believe it or not. If we try to reason it then it is no longer God, is it? It now becomes a work that we're doing. Now how do you get faith, I can hear somebody asking me that question... Well, Romans 10:17 says:
"Faith Comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
Folks you have to either believe the Word of God, the Bible, or not. If you believe it that will strengthen your faith - Like do you believe that Jesus walked upon the water? I do
Do you believe that Jesus fed 5000 men with two sardines and five barley loaves of bread? I do.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead after he'd been buried for 4 days? I do.
There is no rational explanation for faith. Faith rests upon the Word of God alone. Jesus, by the way, delights to see us step out in faith and faith is a mighty witness to unbelievers because you can't explain it. Trials, by the way, and hardships, are food for faith to grow faith -that's what George Muller said. Not only trials but it's ultimately God's Holy Word, the Bible, that increases our faith.
You know just a couple of weeks ago I was in Namibia I was in Windhoek, and we were at a national prayer meeting and it was extremely hot. The people were really feeling the heat. I looked up and I saw clouds surrounding the stadium and I asked the Lord aloud, not secretly or quietly but with a microphone... I asked the Lord - Please Lord can you move the cloud over the sun so the people can have some shade and take a guess what? Yes, you're quite right, He did it! Not only did He do that, but He also brought a gentle breeze through the crowd. I think that meant more to the crowd than all my preaching and all the praise and worship - One genuine miracle equals a thousand sermons.
Have a Beautiful Day, Jesus bless you and goodbye