The Great Journey

And the angel of the Lord came back the second time, and touched him, and said, “Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you.”
So he arose, and ate and drank; and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as Horeb, the mountain of God.
— 1 Kings 19:7-

The angel came to the prophet Elijah and said: “You must eat and you must drink because you have a long journey ahead of you.” The Lord Jesus is calling you and me this morning to strengthen ourselves for the journey ahead. Don’t carry too much or it will tire you out. Don’t carry too little otherwise, you will not make it - Just take enough for the journey. I am speaking mostly here about our way home to Heaven.

I don’t know if you have heard of that very famous book, they say only second to the Bible itself, The Pilgrim’s Progress? It was written by John Bunyan hundreds of years ago and is still popular today. I remember when we lived in that little wattle and daub house with my children, all still small, Jill and I used to take that book out every night and I would read one chapter to the children - they couldn’t wait for it. They would say, “Dad, read us one chapter.” And I would say, “No, tomorrow night we will read the next one.”

The most interesting story of Christian, a young man who was making his way on a journey to the Celestial City which is, of course, Heaven. It is an all-time favourite - If you haven’t read that to your family, I would encourage you to get that book and to read it, it is a paradox of our journey home.

There are many characters in that story and it is beautifully written. I remember the character of Faithful. He strengthened Christian on his journey but there were other characters like, Despond who just said, “Give up and just don’t go any further.” There was the Hill of Difficulty where Christian thought, “I am just not going to make it!”. There was the Valley of Humiliation. Have you ever been humiliated? Hey, ask me about it...
Some good friends went with him right to the end of the journey, like Faith, Hope and Charity.

I want to encourage you to take enough for the journey. Fortify yourself because this journey is the final journey home and you'll have probably noticed, it is getting more and more difficult. There is more and more difficulty as we carry on but The Lord has promised that He will never allow you and I to be tempted above that which we can handle.

Have a wonderful week as you continue with your journey - Remember, we are walking this journey together.

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan