Wait Upon The Lord

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
— Isaiah 40:31

Just the other day I was sitting watching a group of surfers mastering the mighty waves of the Indian Ocean - truly fascinating for an old cowboy like me! I noticed that these surfers waited for the big wave.

There were two groups of surfers - The one group obviously, beginners were in the shallows. They were catching every single wave that was coming in, tiring themselves as the small waves were coming in. They also seemed to be chatting away (there is nothing wrong with that by the way) and laughing but they were getting tired.

And then there were the pros and you could see it clearly. Even a farmer like me could appreciate it, no wasting energy, properly kitted out with their wetsuits on and focused on the waves. They would wait and wait and wait for the big one. And when the big wave came in these surfers mounted their surfboards, they caught the crest of the wave, mastered it and with apparently effortless ease, they danced on the waves, God’s creation. I must admit as I was watching, I was fascinated and even got a bit emotional, to be honest with you, at their ability, their gracefulness and their strength. It was so good to watch.

Now, you and I, as followers of Jesus Christ, in these treacherous times when there are mighty waves of fear and despair, we need to show this tired old world how to ride the waves... How to ride the waves of depression, anxiety and fear - How to trust the Lord. Remember, like the pros, those surfers, we need to wait upon the Lord Jesus Christ. He will give us strength, He will give us direction.

We must not be put off by what is happening around us - He will bring us in safely.
Jesus bless you today as you have a wonderful time with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.


Angus Buchan