He Cares for You

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
— Matthew 6:6

We need to take our burdens to Jesus and not to other people because they have got enough problems of their own, haven’t they?

“…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7

Take it to Jesus and leave it there, then we will portray a radiant face of peace and assurance that all people will see. Go and have a little talk with Jesus today and tell Him all your troubles - Remember that wonderful chorus?

I remember just before I gave my life to Christ, I used to grow seed maize. It is an expensive crop, I put all my money into it - that’s right, all my eggs in one basket! I would work as hard as I could and the crop would grow beautifully - nice and dark in colour. We were growing under contract for a big agricultural company but around about December/ January time when the crop was standing 8 or 9 ft tall and beautiful in colour, there would be the potential of hail storms in our area.

At about 4 pm one afternoon, heavy black clouds would come over the farm from the west side, over the mountains and I started to stress and sweat and think: “Are there stones inside those clouds that would destroy the crop, literally within minutes. I would often speak to my bank manager, my friends and my wife and burden other people instead of taking it to the Lord. Then, after I gave my life to the Lord, one day I was walking through my green cathedral and I was having a heart to heart talk with the Lord and it was like the penny dropped, you know?

I said: “Lord, I have given You everything, my life, my family and my business, so this crop does not belong to me. It is actually Yours, Lord and if You desire to wipe it out with a hailstorm then obviously you have got another plan for me. I lay in those mealies, in those tram-lines and I laughed and I cried and I cast my cares upon the Lord. I left that maize crop that day and walked out free as an eagle.

I want to say to you today, take your anxieties, your fear and your stress to Jesus. Have a good heart to heart talk with Him and leave it there. You will be surprised how much lighter and how much more full of joy you will be.

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you and goodbye!

Angus Buchan