Speak The Truth

As the Lord lives, whatever the Lord says to me, that I will speak.
— 1 Kings 22:14

Now that was a courageous man... That was one prophet who told King Ahab: “If you go into battle you are going to die!” But 400 men had told King Ahab, “Go into battle and the victory is yours!” That takes a lot of courage. You and I cannot go with the flow, we have got to tell the truth.

“…and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32

What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have got to speak the truth.

Do you know that 42 years ago the Lord called me to preach the Gospel with the following scripture, a very special scripture to me:

“…..Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent;
for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you;
for I have many people in this city.”
Acts 18:9-10 (NKJV)

And that is exactly what has happened. As long as you tell the truth, you cannot go wrong. You see, that prophet told Ahab that if he went into battle he would die and what happened? That’s right - King Ahab died. But he paid a price, that prophet - They put him in prison and they hardly fed him any food but he stood for the truth.

Folk do not have to like you and me but they must respect us. You see, everyone likes to be popular but to be popular you have to tell people things that they like to hear because then we find favour with people but it is the undiluted truth that sets the captive free. And then of course, when you speak the truth, Jesus will be proud of you.

Do you remember that movie (I watched a movie, I can’t remember the name of it clearly) where this man went in for an interview and there was a whole lot of other men all in line for the interview for this job and his family had nothing to eat and he was down and out?

And he sat in front of the management and they said: "Look we are going to give you the job but there are just a couple of things that you have to do. We want you to, you know, turn a blind eye and bend the truth a little bit and then you’ll get the job.” He stood up and he said: "I’m sorry I can’t do that I’m a Christian." And as he walked out of the door they stopped him, remember, and said to him: "You are the one who’s got the job. We did that on purpose. All the other men agreed to bend the rules a bit to get the job but you wouldn’t and as a result, you've got the job.”

The Lord doesn’t want yes-men. He wants men and women who will be prepared to speak the truth in these last days. People don’t like to hear what they don’t want to hear but sometimes you need to tell them anyway. You don’t have to be controversial in this day and age - You just need to speak the word of God and you will automatically become controversial. Jesus says:

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Today, stand up for righteousness and the Lord will give you the victory.
God bless you and have a lovely Sunday.

Angus Buchan