Our Intercessor

And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.
— Luke 22:31-32

Jesus is doing that very thing right now in Heaven as I speak to you. That's right, His ministry is intercession - standing in the gap for you and me. There is nothing more powerful on earth than intercessory prayer.

You see, I am not an intercessor, I am a prayer warrior but an intercessor is a specific ministry and I hold intercessors in the highest regard. My dear wife Jill is an intercessor and many a time she will bring me a word that is right on-line. I have a team of intercessors who are praying for Shalom Ministries, 24-7. A young man called Anton is heading them up.

We have hundreds and hundreds of intercessors praying for this ministry right around the world. When people come to me and say, “What can we do to help?” I only have one answer - Please pray for us, because I know that "The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman avails much." That is what it says in James 5:16

So mom, don’t worry about your children - Intercede for them. Young people, don’t worry about your old folks at this time with this horrible, ugly COVID-19, pray for them. You see, Jesus prayed for Peter that the devil would not sift him but that he would not fail in his ministry, that his strength would be kept and that his faith would continue.

If Christ Himself is interceding on our behalf today, surely that tells you and me just how vital prayer is in these troublesome times that we are living. You see, this Intercessor of ours, the Lord Jesus Christ - Hebrews 4:14 tells us that He understands what we are going through because He has walked this road before us. He knows them all, He knows every pitfall - He is not interceding blindly. He is praying that today you and I will not get sifted. We must trust in the faithfulness of God.

An old gentleman, who has since gone to be with the Lord Jesus Christ, phoned me many years ago and He said: “Angus, I am too old. I can’t go down that well anymore but what I can do is stand at the top of the well as you go down and I will hold the rope."

We need to hold the rope - We need to pray and God will do the rest.

Have a wonderful week.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan