Guaranteed Victory

And so it was when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?” Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.
— 2 Kings 2:9

Persistence pays off. The Oxford Dictionary defines Persist: "to continue to exist." Elisha got no encouragement from the brethren. The prophets told him to leave Elijah, let him go. In fact, he got no encouragement from the man of God, himself - He kept on saying, “Leave me, I am busy.” But Elisha would not give up and that is the attitude that we need in the world today.

Do not throw the towel in when you are on the brink of a great miracle.

In the sport of boxing when a fighter is taking terrible punishment, his trainer will take the towel and throw it into the middle of the ring, signifying they concede that their man cannot go on any longer and automatically the fight is cancelled and he is defeated. Don’t ever throw the towel in! With Jesus in your corner, you will eventually win the fight... if you persist. The man who always wins a boxing match is not the fighter who can deliver the knock-out blow but rather the man who can take a punch on his chin and keep on getting up.

Not only was Elisha persistent, but he was also greedy - That’s right! He asked for a double portion of Elijah’s mantle and God gave it to him. And you know something - Elisha performed double the miracles that Elijah performed in his ministry.

Stand up today. Dust yourself off - Get back in the fight because Jesus has guaranteed our victory.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan