Escape The Snare
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 25th of January, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
“Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers,
The same is broken, and we have escaped.”
Psalm 124:7
To be caught in a snare is the most terrible thing. Again, we see how the Pharisees tried to set a snare for our Lord Jesus Christ.
“But they could not catch Him in His words in the presence of the people. And they marvelled at His answer and kept silent.”
Luke 20:26
A snare is set by a poacher - I looked it up in the Oxford Dictionary, the word poacher means: “Illegally hunting or catching game or fish on land that does not belong to you, that is not your own.” Now, who is the one who sets a snare? Its the devil himself, and how does he operate? He operates at night, he doesn’t do it during the day - He does it when no one is looking, so we can’t see where the snare is. He is an extremely dishonest thief.
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.”
John 10:10
He is the absolute poacher of all. He sets a snare for us and sometimes he will even parade as an angel of light. He is an excellent liar. He may say to you: “Have an affair with that woman, no one will know.” He is the one who says: “Steal that money,no one will see.” He is the very one who says: “Cheat on that exam paper and no one will ever know.” He is the one who says: “Don’t pay your income tax because you don’t believe in the government.”
He is the one who tells you to tell a little white lie. Once he does that, he has caught you in his snare and you are now his. You belong to him, every time you try to get out of that snare by yourself, it gets tighter and tighter. Only Jesus Christ can set you free!
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
John 8:36
Folks, don’t fall for the lies of the devil. I was jogging down a farm road some years ago and I heard the most heart-rendering crying. It was a little gazelle caught in a snare by its back leg. He was crying and bleating in the forest. It was overwhelming to listen to, I must be honest with you. I bent down, I had to be careful - his hooves are so sharp. I held him gently and took that horrible, ugly snare off his back leg. As I let go, he bolted off and he raced into the forest. I never saw him again.
Don’t let the devil catch you with his snare today. Look to Jesus and He will walk with you right through that path.
God bless you and goodbye.