Our Helper
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 8:31
Today, if we have got the Lord on our side, we have the majority. The Lord Holy Spirit is available to help us with our battles here on earth at this very time. He is actually called 'The Helper' because Jesus has sent Him to help us. You will find that in John 16:7 He is our Guide, He is our Counsellor, He is our Protector, and even our Advocate... He speaks up for us. But we must call upon Him.
You see, David that little shepherd boy was truly a mighty warrior of God. He called upon the Lord and then he literally subdued and conquered the whole of the Middle East - a mere shepherd boy! Why, because he knew if God was for him there was no man who could stand against him. If you look at 1 Chronicles 18 the whole chapter, every single battle that David fought, he won.
Now for you and me this week, who are we going to trust? Are we going to trust ourselves or are we going to call upon the Holy Spirit, our Helper, to help us? What is going to hold us back... Only one thing: pride. Pride always comes before a fall. Do you remember Frank Sinatra, 'Old Blue Eyes' - He sang that song, “I did it My Way.” Well, that song didn’t help him too much, did it?
I remember years ago when I had just arrived from Zambia, I had two little tractors. I bought the one and I brought the other one with me... My tractor broke down right in the middle of the planting season. I was planting a critical crop, seed maize. Timing is of the essence... And he heard about it, He was my next-door neighbour, Irwin. The next thing I saw was this whole fleet of red tractors coming up the road and he started helping me to plant that crop. We stood on the headland together, I was so humbled. You see, he was my friend and he helped me... I knew the Lord had sent him.
Call on The Helper today. Don’t do it your way or by yourself, He will help you!
God bless you and have a wonderful week.