A Comparable Helper

“And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
Genesis 2:18

And then we go to Luke 8:3:

“and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who provided for Him from their substance.”

Jesus had many women who travelled with Him and the disciples and they took care of them. You don’t hear much about them but I want to tell you, they wouldn’t have made it without those women. They supplied the needs of the disciples and The Master from their very own finances and personal substance. I just want to praise God this morning for the women-folk. Come on boys, where would we be without them.

You know when I travel overseas, Jill always packs my suitcase. She puts stuff in and I take it out! I always tell her, “I won’t need that” and “I won’t need this”, and she says, “Take it, just in case.” And every single time it is a winner! Just when I need that extra shirt because the other one got messed up or got messed up in the rain… there it is and I say, “Thank You, Lord for a good wife.”

You know that a woman can make or break a man, by the way she takes care of him or by how she neglects him. We really need to appreciate our women-folk… And ladies I want to tell you, you have a very, very seriously responsible duty to God. You know beauty, as they say, is only skin deep. They say, and this is a bit rough but they say, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. That is right. Once the honeymoon is over the hard-working man, when he comes home at night, he wants to come home to a place that is full of love and caring. Where the children are nicely bathed and in their pajamas, and there is a hot meal on the table… Man, that makes a man keep going.

You know, you can look like a beauty queen but if there is no food on the table, it doesn’t last long, it really doesn’t. I just want to thank Jesus today for creating our help-meets, our friends - My confidante, my helper and the one who gives me godly counsel all the time.

Have a wonderful day, ladies - We love you and we appreciate you!

Angus Buchan