Godly Integrity

“…we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age…”
Titus 2:12

And then we go straight to Luke 17 and I am reading verse 17:

“So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?”

Well folks, there were ten lepers that Jesus healed. Only one came back to say thank you and he wasn’t even a Jew - He was a Samaritan. So often, unfortunately, many unbelievers can put us Christians to shame when it comes to good manners, integrity and just plain honestly. I want to say to you today - we need to let our walking do the talking. We need godly integrity, it is badly needed in these days that we are living.

A few years ago, I had the privilege of going to meet Pat Robertson who hosts the 700 Club, the large CBN Network, in the USA. I also saw his magnificent Christian university - It is called Regent University. Students from all over the world queue up to go to that university. And I heard an interesting story. A young student applied for a bursary to attend this very prestigious house of learning and he was told by post, that he had been accepted. Needless to say, he was ecstatic, he was so full of joy. Well, he packed up all his gear and he arrived at the massive campus. (And it is huge - I jogged around that campus.) It is kilometres long and he went into the registration department to register, the lady asked his name. He told her his name. She looked up the list and said, “Unfortunately, you have been turned down.”

He was devastated. He said, “How come? I was accepted.”
She said, “No, you have been declined.”
“Why?” the young man asked.
“Because you didn’t say thank you”.

Ja, that is a true story. He didn’t think to write back and say: “Thank you for giving me the opportunity of studying at this university.”

Folks, we have really got to watch our manners. We have got to watch the way we act. There are many people who don’t even know Jesus, who can put us to shame when it comes to good, basic manners.

Go out today and let your walking do the talking.
God bless you.

Angus Buchan