
“And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him.
Luke 8:39

The power of personal testimony!
You know that is what bought Jill and me to Christ. It wasn’t a great preacher. It was ordinary people, getting up into the pulpit and sharing about what Jesus had done to change their lives. You see, you can’t argue with a testimony. Either you believe it or you reject it because you weren’t there. There is something so innocent, so pure about an honest, simple testimony. No, no so-called professionalism about it. No weeping, shock, words that are all back to front but there is something so beautiful about it. “I once was lost but now I am found”. That is what John Newton said when he wrote Amazing Grace.

Can you imagine this man - His name was Legion because he had so many demons in him and Jesus set him free. And here he was in the town, telling the people that he was free. People were petrified of this man, he was a mad man. They had even tried to chain him and he broke the chains. He lived in the hills alone on the other side of Lake Galilee. I have been to that place - it is barren, even today. Now, here he was, perfectly dressed. Normal, clothed in his right mind - what a testimony!

You know just after that day that Jill and I gave our lives to Christ - the next morning my neighbour and I, Ian, were on our way to a cattle sale. He was the commandant of the local commandos, he was a big tough boy. He was a wonderful man. I think we had probably been in the pub on Saturday night together and we were driving down the road in the pick-up and The Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Testify - Tell him what has happened to you!”

I was stuttering and I was nervous and I said
“Ian, something happened to me yesterday.” And he said, “What happened to you Angus?
I said: ”Yesterday, Jesus touched my life and He has given me freedom.”
I looked at Ian. He had gone a bit grey and he said, “Angus, I am so pleased for you.”
I said, “What about you Ian?”
“No”, he said, “Not for me Angus. Not yet.”

You know, two years later, I was sitting in my farm office on a Saturday afternoon, I will never forget it... It was Ian, He said: “Angus, I need help.” I said, “Ian, I am on my way.” I came across to his house and on the carpet in the lounge, in front of his family, Ian and I prayed the sinner's prayer together.

Go out today and tell someone what Jesus has done for you.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan