The Word

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11

Yes, I am talking about the power of the spoken Word of God. You see, Jesus is the Word - John 1:1:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Smith-Wigglesworth, that English plumber who lived many years ago, said: “God said it, I believe it and that settles it.”

Years ago, I got an invitation from an old gentleman called Harold Berry. He was married to Smith Wigglesworth's daughter, I didn’t know that at the time. He asked me if he could meet me and I was very busy - like most young people feel that they are. Anyway, I was going to a conference north of Johannesburg and I said I would pop in and see him on my way up. It was one of the most defining moments of my life. You see, as I walked into his house I saw a photograph of Smith Wigglesworth and his dear wife, Polly Wigglesworth.

I said, “My Berry, do you know these people?”
He said, “Yes, they are my family.”

Straight away I realized I was in the presence of God. He told me he was very sad as his dear wife had passed away not so long ago. He was immaculately dressed, he had laid out a tray of tea and biscuits. He said he had made them himself... with a twinkle in his eye! I don’t think he did.

He told me about all the mini churches that they had started in the Congo, about all the miracles that had been performed and I asked him at the end of the tea, “Mr. Berry, can you please pray for me? I want the anointing of God on my life - I want your mantle.”

He said, “Yes, Angus.” He went into his bedroom and got a bottle of oil. I got on my knees in the lounge and he anointed me with oil. But do you know what amazed me about that old gentleman? He spoke pure, undiluted scripture from memory! I remember one thing that he said, “It is not so much what Angus says that will make the impact but rather who he is.” Well, I want to tell you that Smith Wigglesworth only ever read one book and that was the Bible. He never prayed for longer than 30 minutes but he never let 30 minutes go by without praying. He broke bread, he had Holy Communion with God every day and that is why there were a number of people (documented) raised from the dead when he laid his hands on them and prayed.

I went on my way, rejoicing, to that men's conference but I want to tell you, I never preached much that weekend. I spent most of my time crying from the pulpit... but I have never seen the power of God move like it did that weekend. Men on their knees, broken, weeping, restored, healed, set free.

Go out today and use the Word of God for everything. Read it! Memorize it and most of all believe it - Jesus is the Word!

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you.

Angus Buchan