Be Childlike

Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
— Matthew 18:4

If we want to be the greatest, we must be prepared to become the least, in God’s kingdom. Father God works in the opposite way to the world’s system.

The world is looking for the strongest, most powerful, most talented and the most intelligent person for their leader. But Jesus said to his disciples, as they were arguing amongst themselves about who was the greatest in the kingdom of God: “Unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom.” Not to become childish but rather to become childlike: loving, trusting, believing.

I looked up in the English Standard Version Translation, The Study Bible, for an explanation, it says: “You must have the humility of a child because it consists of childlike trust, vulnerability, the inability to advance his or her own cause apart from the help, the direction and the resources of a parent.”

You see, Jesus wants us to be completely trusting in Him. That little child can do nothing on its own. It has to depend on its parent, just like that flying trapeze artist going through the air, doing somersaults - relying completely on the ability of the catcher’s strong arms to catch her in midair. We must be the same. We must trust Jesus, He will not drop us.

As you go out today, be like that little child - Be totally trusting in the Lord. He will not fail us and He will never let us down.

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan