Our Well-Spring

Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.
— Proverbs 4:23

And then we go to John 4:14, Jesus says:

“But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

We must not, in these troubled times, allow our hearts to become muddied by the issues of this world. What am I talking about? We are talking about the issues of anger, bitterness, un-forgiveness, fear, disappointment and revenge. These attitudes towards the issues of life will do us no good at all - In fact, it will probably make us very sick. We will stop the flow of life-giving water from that very delicate spring in the desert of life. If not managed correctly we will stop the flow of life-giving water into our hearts. We need to manage the well-spring of life.

I had a good friend, many, many years ago whose name was Vic Schutte. He worked for World Vision and he would go into arid areas in rural areas where there was no water. He would help restore outlets of water where cattle, sheep and goats had trampled the trickling spring into a mud-hole and stopped the flow of water.

Vic would fence off the area when he arrived so that the animals couldn’t get close to that muddy place. Then he would dig away and find the eye of the spring. Then gently remove the mud from around it and build a cement basin... a holding basin, then the water would start to flow slowly and get stronger. Then he would attach a pipe to that basin and take the water a long way away, maybe 20 or 50 meters, to a drinking trough - Then the water would flow with no interference from anything, night and day.

Let your flow be opened up today. Let your beautiful heart not be obstructed whatsoever by the evil one and by what is happening around you today. Spend time with Jesus and He will continue to refresh you.

Have a wonderful day and God bless you.

Angus Buchan