Miracles, Big & Small
“and He said to them, “Go into the village opposite you; and as soon as you have entered it you will find a colt tied, on which no one has sat. Loose it and bring it.
And if anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord has need of it,’ and immediately he will send it here.”
Mark 11:2-3
A miracle... an incredible miracle! Do you know the latin meaning of the word miracle is an object of wonder. There are big miracles and there are smaller miracles. Remember the parting of the Red Sea... it is an ocean by the way:
“and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided.”
Exodus 14:21
I want to ask you today, “What miracle are you trusting the Lord for?” People talk about the massive miracles that took place, like the parting of the Red Sea but the ones that intrigue me are those small, little miracles - There is no such thing of course as a small miracle. A miracle is a miracle.
What are you trusting the Lord for today?
I love to see some of these old ladies who love Jesus so much, driving down the road trying to find a parking place on a busy shopping day and they just pray, “Lord, please find a parking place for me.” And then what happens - Somebody just pulls out of a parking place and the old lady just drives in and says, “Thank You, Jesus!” And all the doubters say, “Oh, that was just a coincidence.”
I just want to say to you, as a farmer, that it is extremely difficult, almost impossible to get a young animal (like a young stallion) that’s right... A colt or a jack (a young donkey) and to get that animal to stand still so you can ride it - Almost impossible, ask any horse trainer. And then to ride that same young jack through a huge, noisy crowd of people, shouting and praising Jesus, wanting to touch Him - its basically impossible isn’t it? Without any considerable schooling it can’t be done. Ask any police officer that rides a horse - They will tell you it takes years and years to train a horse to be able to go through a crowd without bucking or running away.
I want to ask you today, “What little miracle are you trusting the Lord for?” Luke 1: 37, the Lord says nothing is impossible for God. We are living in turbulent times, I am not going to tell you a lie... We need a miracle in our lives everyday. Some of us are looking for employment, others are trusting God for a good result with exams. Some are still believing that God will give them a baby, some want to get out of debt and others want to recover from sickness.
We need to just be obedient, as the disciples were and continue to trust the Miracle-Worker and He will do it for you.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.