Prayers of Faith

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
— Mark 11:24

Don’t be like the old lady, who before she went to bed, opened the curtains, looked out the window and there was a mountain there. She said: "In the Name of Jesus, let that mountain be moved by tomorrow morning." She closed the curtains, got into her bed and went sound asleep. The next morning she woke up and the first thing she did was open the curtains... the mountain was still there and she said, “No, I didn’t believe that it would happen.”

God answers prayers of faith. He doesn’t answer prayers of presumption. He answers the prayers of faith. We need to be specific with our prayer requests and we need to be faithful in prayer. There are instant prayers that are answered immediately, and there are also progressive prayers that take time sometimes to be fulfilled.

George Müller was a German who went to England in the 1800s and he is one of my heroes. He was led by the Lord to start a children’s home and he made an agreement with the Lord: “I will do it Lord but I am never going to ask for any money from anyone." His favourite verse was Psalm 37:4, which has become my favourite verse as well:

“Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.”

So he started that children’s home by faith. He had a small boarding house and he had a couple of dozen children to start with - He trusted God completely. Do you know that more than 10,000 orphans went through his children’s homes by the end of his life? And God provided every single cent that he needed. A beautiful story that I really love and hope encourages you today and increases your faith is one night they ate the last meal that there was in the cupboard, there was nothing left... The next morning, he told the children to lay the table for breakfast - They thought Uncle George had maybe lost his marbles. They all sat down at the table and he prayed the prayer that many of us pray: “For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.” And they knew there was nothing in the cupboard.

Then there was a knock on the door. He said to one of the children, “Go and answer the door”... There was a red-faced man, a baker, who said the Lord had woken him up in the middle of the night and told him to bake fresh bread. Not only was it fresh but it was piping hot - The children couldn’t believe it! They had no sooner sat down and there was another knock at the door. He sent another child to open the door and there was an embarrassed dairyman standing outside. He said, “I was riding past in my wagon and horse and the axel broke and I cannot get this milk to the dairy in time, could you use it?” And they had fresh milk and fresh bread again for breakfast.

You and I need to trust Jesus for everything but also to believe.

“Have faith in God.” Not in man, not in your ability, but in God alone.
Mark 11:22

Have a beautiful day!
God bless you.

Angus Buchan