Our Secret Weapon

My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.
— Isaiah 56:7

And then we see it again in Mark... And the Lord Jesus said:

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations”
Mark 11:17

The most powerful weapon in the Christian’s arsenal is prayer. That is why Jesus chased the money changers out of God’s temple. Jesus understands the power and the value of a praying people.

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.”
Psalm 20:7

Remember, when men work, they work, but when men pray, hallelujah, God works. Pastor Bill Mantel in one of his devotionals tells the following story, he entitled it: “The Secret Weapon”.

“Big Ben struck 9 pm. These were the war years. World War 2 fell over England as the constant air bombardment by Germany, of British cities, took place. These were dire moments in the history of the Empire and that is when an advisor named, Tudor Pole set Big Ben as a new weapon against the Nazis. Pole asked all the British to pray for England, the troops and the people, pray at 9pm every evening with silent prayer - one minute. England became unified behind the sound of 9pm, as that clock, Big Ben, reverberated throughout the city of London.

What happened? The tide turned. America entered into the war and the rest as they say was history. I have heard it said after the war Germany’s records were found that England had a secret weapon related to Big Ben. They never found out that the secret weapon was prayer.”

You and I need to pray and everyone is welcome to pray in the house of the Lord, the house of Isaac, the house of Abraham and the house of Jacob. We will remember, very carefully, that South Africa came together to pray... over a million people. And what happened after that prayer meeting? A government was changed, corruption exposed, nuclear power stations shelved as unconstitutional - it would have bankrupted the country, a bumper maize crop, praying and singing in parliament. What results from corporate prayer!

Tomorrow afternoon, between 1 and 2 pm (South African Time) the nations of the world will be praying for South Africa via Zoom. And you can join in the prayer meeting on YouTube or Facebook. The details are on the Angus Buchan App. Please join us for one hour and let us pray together and see what God is going to do when we exercise our secret weapon.

God bless you and have a lovely day.

Angus Buchan