
It is Tuesday morning, it's the 2nd May, 2023. I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! This is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start with Proverbs 14:1: 

“The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.” 

Another version says, “Every wise woman encourages and builds up her family but a foolish woman over time will tear it down by her own actions.” 

Very sad!  

Another translation says, “Lady wisdom builds a lovely home. Sir Fool comes along and tears it down brick by brick.  

You know, I built the shed for our home when we arrived almost 50 years ago on this piece of what was then bush, and my wife, Jill, made it into a home. We thank God, that He in all His wisdom and power and might, chose a woman, yes - I am talking about Mary, to bring up His only begotten Son, Jesus, in this dangerous, immoral, destructive world in which we are living. In the Word of God, Luke 1:48, Mary said: 

“For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.”

Mothers, please do not allow this sick and depraved world to pull you down. I believe with all my heart, that the most vital and important person in the home is you, the mother. Do you know that you have the ability, Mom, to make or break a home down? John Wesley, the great reformer, said of his mother, Susannah, that she influenced his life more than all the theologians, all the mighty men of God at that time. A man wants to come home at night to his house, to a home filled with love, peace and harmony.

Do you know that Jesus loved His earthly mother, Mary, so much, that even when He was hanging on the cross with those crude nails pierced through His hands and His feet, He could look down at His disciple, John, and say to him, “Make sure you take care of My mother until she dies”, and John did. Boys, let's take good care of our moms today! Where would we be without them? 

Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan