
It is the 1st of May, 2023, Monday morning. I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. This is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a Thought for Today. 

We start in the book of John 8:7,

"He who is without sin among you let him throw a stone at her first."

"Now a mediator does not mediate for one only, but God is one."
Galatians 3:20

Mediator... a peacemaker.  

"Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God".
Matthew 5:9

A mediator is a go-between, he is the middleman. He is the referee, he's the one who keeps the peace, and that's what Jesus Christ is. He is the Middleman, the Mediator between God and you and me. That's why I love him so much. Now you and I have also been called to be God's representatives here on Earth. We must stop throwing petrol onto the fire. We need to start talking things through. It's not a case of my way or the highway. No, no, no, that's the world's system. There's too much of, "I have my rights". Oh, my dear friend, you and I don't have any more rights, we gave our rights to Jesus. When we become Christians, followers of Jesus, we surrender all our rights just like He did for us. We need to stand up for those who are defenceless, the poor, the weak, the old. You know, I've got a big brother who's two-and-a-half years younger than me, that's right. He's always been bigger than me, but you know why I love him? Because when we were at school he always came to my rescue when some bully was trying to take advantage of me. But I want to tell you today about the greatest Mediator that's ever lived, His name is Jesus Christ, that's why I love Him so much. I was in deep debt before I met Him.

Do you remember that song, it goes something like this:  

He paid a debt He did not owe
I owed a debt I could not pay
I needed someone to wash my sins away
And now I sing a brand new song
Amazing Grace
Christ Jesus paid a debt that I could never pay

He paid that debt at Calvary
He cleansed my soul 
He set me free 
I'm glad that Jesus did all my sins erase
I now can sing a brand-new song
Amazing Grace
Christ Jesus paid a debt that I could never pay

Jesus bless you and have a lovely day.

Angus Buchan