No Striving

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, it is the 8th of November 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“…and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.”
Romans 3:26

He is the Justifier!  

“The just shall live by faith.”
Romans 1:17

“So where is the boasting then?” says Paul to the Romans. You see, we can’t earn it, we can’t work for it, it's for free. Jesus is the Justifier. He has done it all. You can only believe it by faith. He has done it all. We must stop striving. As I am talking to you this morning, many people are trying to earn their way to Heaven. We can’t do that. We have just got to believe it and receive it. That’s right!

A Scottish preacher by the name of Oswald Chambers, went to Egypt with his young wife and his baby daughter, during the time of the First World War in 1914. She was a stenographer by trade. She worked in the courts in Britain and as the court case took place, she would accurately write down every word that the judge, prosecutor and the defence would say. Now Chambers preached to the soldiers in the desert, in the First World War. His wife, who he called “Biddy”, took down every word that he preached. Very sadly at the age of 43 years old, Chambers got appendicitis. He went to the hospital and died. She was very, very shattered and eventually went back to Britain with her little daughter, but she had compiled every single sermon that he had ever preached. She sat down and constructed a daily reading book, a devotional. It is probably the giant of all devotionals. It is called, “My Utmost For His Highest.” You know, I have written quite a few devotionals myself but I am just a beginner when I look at this book. Do you know that that humble woman never took any of the honours? Right in the corner of the book, she put a little “BC”. Those were her initials, Biddy Chambers. Why? Because God did it all.  

Don’t strive today, don’t try so hard. Let Jesus do it and you will be surprised what He will do through your life.

Have a wonderful day.
Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan