God's Friends

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, 9th November 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God.”
James 2:23

Do you know that Abraham is mentioned as the father of faith on no less than one, two, three... four different accounts - Starting in Genesis 15:6. Then going through to Romans 4:3, Galatians 3:6 and of course James 2:23.

God is looking for two things today from us. Number one: He wants faith and number two: He wants obedience. Those are two things that the farmer, Abraham, produced. God is looking for men and women of great faith.

Abraham’s title, “Friend of God,” what a title! You know, even the devil wants to be friends with God. We all want to be friends with God. No one wants to fight with God because God has never lost a fight in His life. But God looked down from Heaven to earth and He saw a farmer by the name of Abraham. Abraham did exactly what God told him to do - He left his home and his farm, he left his extended family and went to an unknown destination. When his son, whom he had waited 100 years for, was about 13 years old, the Lord tested Abraham again and He said, “I want him back.” Abraham obeyed and that's why God calls him His friend.

I firmly believe that things in this sad old world of ours becoming darker and more evil - It is the time for men and women to step up to the plate. Father is not looking for eloquence, He is not looking for talent, He is not looking for strength or even charisma, no, not at all. Jesus always chose 'ordinary people'. He chose a stutterer, who was a murderer as well, to take His people out of slavery in Egypt - Yes, we are talking about Moses. He took a blaspheming fisherman, Simon Peter, to head up the church. He took a tent-maker, by the name of Paul who was part of the gang that murdered (in cold blood) Stephen, the first martyr in the New Testament. God is looking for men and women who will put their hands up and obey Him and step out in faith.

God called me in 2003 to mentor young men. In a few days' time, I will be meeting with the Mighty Men Conference organizers. We are having no less than thirteen conferences in South Africa, not to mention New Zealand, Australia, the UK, the USA, Brazil, Namibia, Nigeria and Canada.  

Folks, God is looking for a man or a woman of faith today, who will put up their hand and say, “I will go for You, Lord.” Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan