Our Anchor

I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Saturday morning, the 22nd of October 2023, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today. We go straight to Hebrews 6:19:

"This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast..."

I'll stop right there - an anchor in the storms of life. Now remember, our hope for the future is in none other than our anchor. His Name is Jesus, absolutely. Faith is for the present, but hope is for the future - Who are you and I hoping for in the future? It has to be our anchor, and his Name is Jesus.

Now, I looked up the Oxford dictionary to define the word anchor, and it says: "A heavy object that is attached to a boat by a rope or a chain and is dropped onto the seabed to stop the boat from drifting." We need to stop drifting. Many of us today are drifting aimlessly. We are going nowhere fast; it is dangerous. Any sailor will tell you that - Especially when a storm is on the horizon. Now, remember, when all else fails, we drop the anchor. The anchor slows the boat down so it does not hit the rocks. Yes, His Name is Jesus - He is our strong anchor; He will keep us from hitting the rocks and destroying the boat. Today, let your anchor down; let Him take control of your situation.

They say that when a flock of geese fly over a lake and they see a storm approaching, they land on the lake, tuck their wings in, and face the storm. They stay there on that lake until the storm passes. Today, you and I, let us put our anchor down, face the storm, and put our hope in Jesus Christ alone.

God bless you, and have a wonderful Sunday.

Angus Buchan