Don't Go Back...

I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Monday morning, the 23rd of October 2023, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today. We start with Galatians 4:9 

"But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?"

Why do we always want to go back to Egypt - Back to slavery, when the Lord has set us free? John 8:36 says:

"Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."

 My dear friend, the Lord has set us free; why do we continually want to go back, as it were, to our former lives? 'No man having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.' You and I need to press forward, looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. 

You know you can hear my voice. I'm so happy this morning. Why? Because it's raining! Beautiful rain is falling on my tin roof, and there is thunder and lightning, and we are rejoicing. Malachi 4:2 

"And you shall go out
And grow fat like stall-fed calves."

When I was a very young man, 19 years old, I was in bonnie Scotland. There, the calves are put into stalls for months and months during the extremely cold winters. There is snow outside. It is freezing cold. When Spring comes, they open the stalls and let those young calves out. Oh, my dear friend, you've never seen anything like it in your life - They go running around the field eating the new green grass, tails up, prancing around. There's no way you can get them back into the stalls. An old cowboy saying - once you let a cat out of a bag, try and put him back in that bag again... He is not going back in the back!

I want to say to you today: don't return to Egypt. Enjoy your liberty and your freedom in Christ. Remember, good people don't go to heaven. Believers go to heaven. Have a wonderful Monday; Jesus bless you, and goodbye.

Angus Buchan