Trust in the Name of Jesus

It is Tuesday morning, 21st June 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“I will leave in your midst
A meek and humble people,
And they shall trust in the name of the Lord.”
Zephaniah 3:12

The poor people of this world have no other name to trust in but the name of Jesus Christ. They have little personal reputation to call upon and very few connections in the business world to lean on. That is why they are unlikely to turn away from God, more than those who are wealthy in this world.

I often hear the story of a CEO of a large company that has just gone into bankruptcy and collapsed, and we see that man or woman turning publicly to God as their Lord and Saviour. What about you and I? Are we trusting in the name of our Lord Jesus or not? Paul, the apostle, wrote in 
Romans 5:3-4:

“I rejoice in my tribulation because tribulation works patience, patience, character and character, hope.” 

It was only when Paul was brought down low, in the eyes of his fellow leaders in the Sanhedrin, that he changed. The Sanhedrin was the governing body for the whole of Israel - they had the power of life and death over people. Paul was a member of the Sanhedrin but then he changed from Saul of Tarsus to Paul, the apostle. He lost all his friends, but he never once turned his back on the name of Jesus. That same Paul wrote two-thirds of the New Testament, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He travelled the world as it was known then, taking the Gospel to the gentiles. He died as a martyr for his faith, never denying Christ.

Today, we must be sure that no matter what happens, the Lord remains the most important person in our lives.

God bless you and have a wonderful day!

Angus Buchan