Cathedrals & Temples

A very good morning to you! It is Thursday morning, 30 June 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“Thus says the Lord:
“Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
Where is the house that you will build Me?
And where is the place of My rest?

Isaiah 66:1

And then we go to Acts 7:48:

“However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands”

We cannot put God in a box. He cannot be housed in a man-made temple. Now I have been to London, I have been to that magnificent work of art, St Paul’s Cathedral. It is incredible but too small to house the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. You have often heard me speak about my green cathedral... the maize fields on the farm! Walking through those fields as a young man worshipping God... what a place! Or riding my horse, Snowy, in the hills and fields around the farm. Hearing the birds singing with wind blowing on my face... Huge clouds gathering for life-giving rain, the flashes of lighting, claps of thunder and then the rain falling down and washing the earth clean - Oh, what a cathedral!

I have visited prisoners in maximum security prisons all over the world - In South Africa, New Zealand, Scotland and Northern Island and some of these men are there for life. They will never come out. They are sitting in prison where they can hardly see the sun. But you know the amazing thing is when they meet the living Christ as their Saviour, they are more free to worship God than many of us who go into these majestic cathedrals but have never found the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.

1 Corinthians 6:19 says our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit - There is nothing more beautiful than a believer worshipping their Lord Jesus Christ, from the depths of his heart.

Today, you might be in a wheelchair, or in hospital, you might be in a prison cell but I want to tell you something now - That will not hold you back because Jesus lives inside your heart. Have a wonderful day and praise Him because He is worthy.

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan