Seek and Find

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name!  

It is Friday morning, 8th July 2022, this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

Zephaniah 3:10:

“From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia
My worshipers,
The daughter of My dispersed ones,
Shall bring My offering.” 

Acts 8:27:

“…a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasury, and had come to Jerusalem to worship,…”

The Minister of Finance from the nation of Ethiopia had come to worship God in Jerusalem. The Lord called the evangelist, Philip, to tell him about Jesus. God has put eternity into the hearts of all men everywhere. It is the way we are made. Jesus died for all men, for all women, for all boys and for all girls.

Often I have been invited to speak in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles which takes place every year. It is hosted by the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. Approximately 80 nations are represented and they have 18 interpreters. There are pilgrims from South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, USA, Canada, Chile, Russia, Germany, England, Ukraine, Portugal, Netherlands, Nigeria, China, and I can go on and on. I was on the platform one night, preaching my heart out, I was making a very serious point, when all of a sudden a group of Chinese people started laughing and I thought, “Why are they laughing? Its not funny.” Then I realised there was a few seconds delay from the previous comment I made. You have to really be on the ball when you are speaking to people from all over the world, all coming to Israel for the same purpose as the Ethiopian eunuch - to worship Jesus in Jerusalem. We all know you don’t have to go to Jerusalem to worship the Lord but this man was seeking God and he found Him. What about us today? How desperate are we to know about Jesus? It took that eunuch approximately three months to get to Jerusalem from Ethiopia. I have been to Ethiopia and I want to tell you, they have been worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for three thousand years. The Lord is all over the world! The sad thing is, some of us can’t even get out of bed in the morning to seek and find the Lord. Luke 11:9 - Seek, and you will find.

He is patiently waiting today. He wants to speak with you.

Jesus bless you. Have a lovely day.

Angus Buchan