Yet Will I Trust Him

And a very good morning to you!

It is Friday the 28th of January, the year 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

If we go to Job, some say it is the oldest book in the Bible:

“Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”


I think that Job is one of God’s favourite men - An incredible man of integrity. Now this is the quality that Jesus is looking for in us in these last days. Especially when we are under extreme pressure like we are. Sometimes even loved ones close to you will not support you because of what you are going through.

“Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!”

Job 2:9

That is quite a statement, from his wife... His response was very clear - One of my favourite scriptures in the Bible:

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

Job 13:15

I remember many years ago sitting in my little tin house, it was four o’clock in the afternoon. I had had an incredible maize crop that year. The maize was standing ten foot tall, it was beautiful. The cobs were forming. It was a seed maize crop and all of a sudden out of nowhere came big green black-green rolling clouds, filled with rain and hail. I was sitting and talking to a man that I was helping. He had a dear heart but he was a hopeless alcoholic. I said to him, “You know Peter, God has never forsaken me and God will never forsake you.” And at that moment there was big bang, bang, bang on the roof.

Hail stones were falling, the rain was falling and his eyes got bigger and bigger as I was gritting my teeth and saying: “Even though...” I want to tell you folks, I remember that afternoon like it was yesterday... I couldn’t even speak to him, it was so noisy. After the storm subsided we walked around the fields, we couldn’t drive, it was absolutely sodden. The whole crop was lying flat on the ground. He says, “Angus, why is God doing this to you?” I said, “God is not doing this to me” and I just grit my teeth.”
“Are you still going to love Him?”
I said, “I love Him very, very much.”
I must say, inside I was saying, “Lord, what are You doing to me?

Well, three days later, that’s right - that crop stood up again and I got a bumper crop. It had a permanent bend in the stalks but it stood up... I will never forget that day.

If Christ is for you, who can be against you?”

Romans 8:31

We need to do the right thing today. Pay your accounts, be no man’s debtor. Honour your loved one. Stand tall for God and God will see you through. My old Dad was just a country blacksmith, he didn’t have much money. My Mom died first and then my Dad got sick, I used to visit him every single day. Do you know what the first thing he said to me when I walked into that room? “Angus, is there enough money in my account?” He didn’t want to owe anyone anything. I said, “Dad, there is plenty money in your account.”

Do the right thing today and honour God and He will honour you.
Jesus bless you, goodbye.

Angus Buchan