Ministering Spirits

And a very good morning to you!

It is Saturday morning the 29th of January, the year 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.”

Psalm 34:7

Then we go to Hebrews:

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”

Hebrews 1:14

Do you believe in angels? You have to, they are all over the Bible... Yes, I believe in angels, oh definitely! They fight for us against the forces of darkness. You know I was speaking to a middle-aged single lady on the phone a week ago. She said, “You know Angus, you speak a lot about families. Please don’t forget us, single people.” Well, I want to say to you today, this is maybe just for you. You are never ever alone. Then we go to Matthew, Jesus says:

"Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels (there you go) always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 18:10

I want to say to Mom and to Dad, that little child of yours starting school for the first year - don’t worry. You pray for Johnny and pray for Mary because they are going to school with their own personal bodyguards. It makes me want to cry... their own personal angels who see the Face of God all the time.

Now, you may say, "I don’t believe in angels". Well, you know that even a donkey can see an angel. Ask Balaam, because he couldn’t see the angel standing in the road and started beating that poor donkey until the donkey lay down. He wouldn’t go any further because he saw an angel. Do not ever feel, as a follower of Jesus Christ, that you are alone. You are never, ever alone.

Many times we have attempted something that is humanly impossible - Like, for example, feeding 5000 hungry men, catering for them and then 7,500 arrive for the weekend. The ladies kindly came up to me and said: “Angus, please tell the men just to go easy with the food.” And of course, I get up there and say to these starving men: “I have a message for you from the kitchen - Eat as much as you can!"

Oh, I love Jesus so much and He has got these angels all around us! We need to remember that. You know, they picked up thirty-six baskets of left-overs from three big meals for those men. Thirty-six divided by three is twelve baskets per meal. How many baskets of leftovers did they collect when Jesus fed the 5000 at the Sea of Galilee?

That’s right - Twelve baskets each! He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Hebrews 13:8. So remember, God has put an angel right next to you. You have a special angel looking after you all day.

Go out and enjoy the day.
Jesus bless you!

Angus Buchan