The Body Of Christ

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 16th of February, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,…”  
Romans 12:4

For in fact the body is not one member but many.” 
1 Corinthians 12:14

There are no lone rangers in the Kingdom of God. We are members of the Body of Jesus Christ and He alone is the absolute Head of this church and body of believers. We desperately need one another. A body needs every part to be connected to operate properly, the big and the small. 

Maybe today you are feeling a bit left out. Maybe you are feeling that you are of no use and that no one would even miss you if you were not here. Big mistake! That’s a lie from the devil. The Body of Christ needs you very much. Just like this world of ours cannot exist without that little honeybee, the church cannot function without all the different parts of the ministry working correctly together.

Let’s take the intercessor as an example - how many people see the intercessor? Not many. It is a very, very worthwhile part of the ministry. In fact, without an intercessor, we have got no church. I want to say to you that when I get invited to go to another country, to be part of a big campaign, they will contact me and say they have got the platform ready, they have found the facility, they have got a beautiful state-of-the-art sound system, and they will say to me, “We have got one of the top bands in the country that will be operating, everything is in place." I ask them one question: “What about prayer cover? What about the intercessor?”, “No, no, well we haven’t started there yet. We will get that in place.” I normally say, “I won’t be able to come because without intercessory prayer there can be no victory at all.”

Do you know that Jesus Christ Himself, is an intercessor, for you and me? He is interceding on our behalf. He is the link between our Heavenly Father and ourselves. Do not underestimate your role in the Body of Christ because without you we cannot operate correctly. So, do what you are doing. You might be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord, that is all David wants to be and that is all I want to be in Heaven. Just do your work and do it gladly and thank God for it.

Have a wonderful day,

Jesus bless you!

Angus Buchan