The Rainmaker

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 24th of May, 2023 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 18:14, God asks Abraham, 

“Is there anything too difficult for Me?”  

Then we go to Zachariah 10:1: 

“Ask the Lord for rain
In the time of the latter rain.
The Lord will make flashing clouds;
He will give them showers of rain,
Grass in the field for everyone.”

Rain is a blessing from God. You will only really understand what I have just said if you have been through a horrific time of drought. There is nothing worse than drought. You get up every single morning, the sun comes up, the small plants try to make a recovery, and by 9 o’clock they are shrivelled up again. Dust blows everywhere, there is no water, and the cattle are thin. It is horrific - but when the gentle rain comes and the new grass comes and the cattle get fat and the crops start growing, it is a blessing from God. Oh yes, our Lord is the Rainmaker. That is not a derogatory term or a familiar term. He is the only One who can make rain. No one else can make rain. You know, sometimes, some of the men meet me and they say tongue in cheek, “Here comes the rainmaker,” and I quickly pull them up and I say, “No, I am not the rainmaker but I am one of His sons.” Oh folks, I can’t explain it to you, when you pray the prayer of faith and you believe, you really believe, God comes through for you every time. 

In 2008, we had the biggest tent in the world, it could seat 30,000 men. We had 30,000 men inside and 30,000 men outside. It was an incredible experience and I will never forget it. On the Saturday night, I said to the boys, “Guys, you need to pack up early tomorrow. We are going to have that last service and straight after the service, the Lord is going to bring rain on this farm. I really believe it and I have asked Him for it.” Do you know what happened? At about three in the morning, I heard these big coaches, big busses from Cape Town, Pretoria and Johannesburg, starting to pull out from the camping area. I don’t know why, I am a man of little faith, but I started crying out to the Lord, “Lord, they are leaving already. They are not even waiting for the last service.” No, they weren’t doing that. They heard what I was saying on Saturday night. They didn’t want to get stuck in the fields so they were parking their vehicles on the side of the road and walking back to the big tent. 

I have got 60,000 witnesses, after the meeting I said the benediction and goodbye to the boys, then I said, “Guys, get home now,” and as we walked out of the tent, drip, drip, drip and then showers. It rained for three days and three nights! Our God is the Rainmaker, He is the Miracle-worker, and He loves you. 

Call on Him today and He will help you.
Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan