Stuck in a Rut?

And a very good morning to you! It is Sunday morning, 13th March, the year 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for today.

“Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.”

John 11:11

In the old days, that was another terminology for when someone died - they said he’s gone to sleep, Jesus said: "It’s time that I go and awaken him."

You know, I was in a rut... Another word for a rut, you know like a rut in a road, is a shallow grave. That’s right, I was dead and I didn’t even know it. Then on a beautiful Sunday morning in a little church on the Main Street of our little town, Greytown. It was actually the 18th of February 1979 - Jesus came and found me. And He woke me up from the dead. He literally brought me back from the grave.

How are you feeling this morning? Just like the Lord said to Lazarus in John 11:43, "Lazarus come forth!" He wants to say that for you and me today. I will never forget that morning. I didn’t really want to go to church. Jill saw that I was literally failing in every area in my life, "Angus, we need to go to church." Reluctantly I went and I want to tell you that morning was resurrection day for me!

My dear friend, He wants to do it for you today. I can hear somebody saying, “But for me, Angus, it is too late.” But that is what they said about Lazarus when Jesus came to Bethany. They said, “Lord, it is too late. He has been dead for four days in the tomb.” But you know, Jesus is never late for an appointment. He is never late and He is never early - He is just spot on time.

Maybe you are in a rut today and you are saying, “I don’t know what to do.” - Why don’t you call upon Him? Why don’t you just pray this little prayer after me today?

Dear Lord Jesus,
I am in a rut and I really need you today, Lord.
Please help me. I want You to bring me back from the dead.
I want to come back home.
I want to have fellowship with You.
I am sorry for all the sins that I have committed and I ask You to take over my life completely, just like You did for Lazarus.
I ask that You bring me back from the dead,
In Jesus’s name.

Go out today and tell someone, maybe tell three people what you have just done. Have a beautiful day and Jesus bless you.

Angus Buchan