We Need Compassion

And a very good morning to you! It is Monday morning, 14th March, the year 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for today.

"Jesus wept."

John 11:35

Possibly the shortest verse in the entire Bible... Great compassion, is what the world desperately needs today. We are looking for compassion today. Jesus knew that Lazarus was about to come out of the tomb and yet He still felt heartsore for the people. Compassion is to have sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

You know that wonderful man of God, William Booth, and founder of the Salvation Army was sent a letter from some of his soldiers overseas. They said, “We have tried everything. We are trying to preach the Gospel and the people are not interested.” He wrote a letter back to them, only two words on that letter: "Try tears." When we are not having success in preaching the Gospel we need to get closer to the people. Charles Finny, the great revivalist, said: “Where there are no tears and there are no amens, there is no revival.”

I want to say to you today that we need to be more compassionate. You know the story of the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette... she was totally out of touch with her people, they had no bread to eat - The people were starving and she said, “Give them cake to eat.” I don’t know if that is factual or not but that is the story. We need to get to where the people are.

We need to have a heart of compassion, a heart that can identify with people who are suffering. Maybe you are suffering yourself today, you say, “No-one cares”. Oh, my dear friend, I want to tell you, there is one who cares. His name is Jesus... You know, He wept more than He laughed. That is an absolute fact. I am finding that the older I get and the more I preach, I seem to be weeping more than preaching. I want to be where the people are - we need to do that today.

When you go out today, look for people who are hurting and love them. Don’t preach to them, put your arm around them and weep with them - That is where the healing comes from.

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan